Share Price ( SCIR )

0.30GBX -0.03 (-8.00%)
16:35 03/05/24

Latest Report

29 Sep

Latest RNS

30 Apr
Scirocco Energy Globe Scirocco Energy Globe Scirocco Energy Globe arrows

Our Position

Our goal is to leave a strong legacy across our operations as we strive to create stakeholder value through responsible and sustainable development.

As a non-operating partner, the projects in which we hold stakes are being developed and operated by independent oil & gas companies with their own ESG policies. Nevertheless, we are committed to developing efficient, safe and responsible energy production at its operation, through open dialogue with our partners and stakeholders.



Scirocco is committed to developing an environmentally sustainable business and recognises that all energy companies have a critical role to play in environmental stewardship as the global economy transitions to a zero-carbon footprint.

Scirocco’s approach to sustainability is twofold.

  • Firstly, we  invest in and champion projects that will have a positive impact on reducing the reliance of economies on carbon intensive sources of energy.
  • Secondly, we believe that investors and stakeholders are supportive of sustainability-focused investments and that through careful selection of investments and appropriate management we can deliver a business that outperforms its peers whilst making a valuable contribution to the energy market.



Scirocco recognizes that communities and society at large are important stakeholders that must be included in a company’s sustainability efforts.

The Company will, at all times, consider the societal effects of any investment that is makes and consider the social impact polices of its partners and suppliers when making decisions on investments.



We are committed to carrying out our business activities in a responsible and sustainable manner.

Sustainability is not simply about preserving and improving the environment we live in, it is also about ensuring that we maintain strong governance standards.

Whilst our governance adheres to all legislative standards as a PLC, our people are also expected to conduct themselves in a way that continues to demonstrate the highest standards at Scirocco.

We also understand the expectations and commitments made by our investors with regard to Environmental and Social Governance. Our ESG & Sustainability Policy is aligned with and recognises the importance of the six principles of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI). This ensures that we can demonstrate and promote ESG considerations across our activities as well as provide robust and transparent reporting.